There’s a piece about us in this months (August 2013) issue of Classic Motoring. Written by Steve Hole. Here’s a copy of the text and a scan of the page.
CLASSIC KING OF COOL – AARON RADIATORSSteve Hole celebrates 50 years of Aaron Radiators.Repairing a vintage radiator.
A company celebrating 51-years of existence in 2013 is Aaron Radiators and although a lot has changed in the intervening years since Bill Stringer founded his operation in 1962, one thing has remained a constant, and that’s the fact that Aaron Radiators still recondition and produce a premium range of vintage and bespoke car radiators.
There’s no special meaning to the Aaron name either, as he chose a double ‘A’ name to ensure he’d get an early listing in Yellow Pages. Anything that got you a jump on your rivals back then was important, of course.
Aaron grew quickly once they got a foothold. In the sixties, car radiators were frankly rubbish and often failed after just two years, so Aaron introduced a range of rads that were high quality and well-engineered and as a result Bill sold lots of them. His wife, Jane, who still works at the company, incidentally, told me that when the autumn gave way to winter and the cold, frosty mornings arrived, they’d regularly arrive for work and find a queue of customers with steaming engines in urgent need of a new radiator waiting for them!
Bill ran his company stoically until he sadly passed away six years ago, but his son Gerald, ably assisted by sister, Laura, is now at the helm. Gerald has decided to concentrate on the company’s real expertise and that is reconditioning classic ‘Copper and Brass’ car radiators as well as producing a range of new Alloy radiators, made to order, for a range of mainstream, classic, kit and custom cars that can be made to suit a specific installation, taking into account specific ‘packaging’ issues.
The company is very well-versed in most vintage cars and more than likely have a ‘pattern’ for the radiator you require, although if it’s something unusual, just send Gerald your old radiator or some (accurate) drawings and dimensions (he’ll advise on exactly what he needs) and he’ll create one from scratch for you.
Aaron will also happily refurbish your existing radiator, copy the old one fitted to your Lanchester, clean out and repair your old fuel tank or re-core a clogged up heater matrix.
The benefits of using their products are a massive increase in the efficiency of the radiator combined with greater durability, not to mention the care and skill that goes into their work and the high quality materials they use. Although they don’t want to be known for cheapness, the value for money on offer will pleasantly surprise you. What’s more the outfit gives 12-months warranty on all its work.
Rolls Royce Header Tank - reconditioned