Category Archives: Industrial / Commercial

New Transmission Cooler Range For Classic or Kit Cars

Uses : Most radiators on cars with an automatic transmission have an oil cooler in one of the end tanks for cooling the transmission fluid. If this fails it can be catastrophic for the gearbox as the engine coolant can mix with the transmission fluid. Some classic and kitcar radiators cannot be re-cored due to […]

We’re in the Croydon Advertiser 04/05/12!!

We’re in the Croydon Advertiser!! Read the article here.
Nothing like a mention in your local paper to make you feel special!!

50th Anniversary Photo 1962-2012

A photo of the whole team at #aaronradiator. 50 years old in May 2012! Happy Birthday!

Custom aluminium, classic and industrial pages added to website.

Loads of new pages added to our website, mainly about Custom Aluminium Radiators, Classic Car Radiators and Industrial and Plant Radiators.

Aaron Radiator